1st Macro Pot-luck!

Great people, delicious food, and a beautiful night in NYC!
Last night I was excited to attend my first macrobiotic pot-luck party. It was hosted by JR and Ellen at their georgous Manhattan apartment. This is such a great idea in so many ways! I guess I'll just list them.
Support. Aside from wanting to feel and look great, many people find macrobiotics as a resource to heal themselves from an illness. Meeting other's in that same situation (who live near by) is a HUGE support and motivation to keep doing what you're doing. Push through the hard times. Results are close by.
Practice. I've been cooking my way through Christina Pirello cookbooks and this was another opportunity to share my food with others - get feedback - make improvements - listen to different cooking ideas.
Networking. It allows you to meet other motivated individuals with the same interest in getting the word about macrobiotics out to all they meet.
Food. Last but definitely not least. I'm telling you there was some of the best tasting, colorful, food I've ever eatten. And the best part is that it's health!! Each up all you want, and come back for seconds.
The dish I decided to make last night was the one and only...TIRAMISU. I figured you couldn't go wrong with dessert. Christina Pirello had a great recipe and I was so excited to try it. Read post below to find out more on how it turned out.
I would love to host more of these and more often. Stay tune for postings of upcoming pot-lucks. If you'd like to be included you can subscribe to my blog --> to the right.
Me and my good friend Miss Jane Eller, have also created a facebook group called NYC Macrobiotics. Click here to join. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=166644928887#


  1. Funny, this must have been a good weekend for macro potlucks! We also had one in Maine and I read on Facebook that another person I know had one in Indianapolis. But, I bet no one had a desert quite as delicious as the tiramasu. Yum!


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