I call it - Squash and Rice Pumpkin.

I was BOLD....DARING....and Hungry for SQUASH!

Another one of Christina's masterpieces. Baked Squash with Wild Rice and Mushrooms.

I thought it was the perfect winter-time dish. The weather is getting cold outside and you just want something warm and hearty. Have I mentioned I've never done anything like this before? Mind you, I have my small Manhattan apartment to work with and limited cooking ware. I thought some bright colorful photos pretty much say it all with this piece of work....

Making the Rice and Mushroom Stuffing

Hyde needed to help me get the middle out of the squash

Looks like a green pumpkin...(I probably should have made the whole bigger)

The Squash Baking in the oven

mmMMmm. A slice was already cut out to show off the inside.


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